In Pursuit Of Us
  In Pursuit Of Us
Titolo In Pursuit Of Us
AutoreLeRoy Dunn
Prezzo€ 4,99
EditoreLeRoy Dunn
LinguaTesto in Inglese

This book is a study in discipleship. The Ten Commandments and The Sermon on the Mount are explored and explained to show the true love that our Creator and our Savior have for us. With a section on apologetics to deepen our understanding of the truth and the very visible proofs that surround us. Our Father has left for us many evidences of His sovereignty and of His love for all of His creation. He does not require blind faith, instead He asks that we search Him and His truth. In the pages that follow there are words of encouragement, strength, honesty. There are hard truths that we must recognize for ours, and those we share withs, salvation. We must humble ourselves in the acknowledgement of our failing, and our need for a Savior. Then we can be effective sharers of the Word.