In The Quill, the Cross & the Whisper of the Wind, the reader encounters words that communicate God's love and the response of love for God through dwelling in the Divine.
Hugh Jenkins weaves a tapestry of metaphors, stories, parables, prayers and paradoxes. He shares life experiences, entries from his prayer journals, poetry, and wisdom through reflection. The author, a Methodist minister from Durban, draws from his faith heritage, yet his breadth of insight goes far wider and his communication of devotional reality becomes an invitation to go deeper. Still, at times, he is so local, and his sharing about everyday happenings, means that the words draw readers to meet God where they are.
The book narrates that there is the beckoning to a deeper possibility, of unitive relationship with God, enabling each open reader to be alert to unique experiences of God and divine loving invitations. Reading the chapters evokes soaking devotional possibilities, and each chapter has a guided prayer opportunity. Receiving this book with heart, soul, mind and body, is to be immersed into how God speaks in many ways, including in silence, through the blowing of the Holy Spirit and meeting Jesus. The words of The Quill, the Cross & the Whisper of the Wind invite us into encountering God and being encountered by God in deep nurturing stillness.