AAWT: An Adventure With Time
  AAWT: An Adventure With Time
Titolo AAWT: An Adventure With Time
AutoreTheodore K. Monroe
Prezzo€ 4,99
EditoreTheodore K. Monroe
LinguaTesto in Inglese

I can never catch a break! All I want is to live a normal life, to be a normal guy in a normal world. But I wouldn't be so lucky. Though I'm going through the woes of a regular school life, complete with nerdy best friends, transfer students, gossip, drama, and romance, the whole experience is marred by time-pausing on its own and reminders of the past lurking around every corner. "Life isn't like the movies," yeah? So what! Let me have a nap in peace and leave me alone! I don't want to think! Everyone is going through their own stories that I'll never learn, including those who can pause time. Who are they? Beats me. But they're making my life hell, and I can only hope they're using their powers for good. I never asked for this!