Harvey was born all alone in this world, with a mysterious condition that made him physically untouchable. Anyone that gets within a few feet of him becomes violently ill. Cast off to an orphanage, dark thoughts set in even as his imagination blossoms. A young girl named Diedre arrives with problems of her own. Ostracized from the other kids, they forge a friendship, in large part thanks to Harvey's gift as a natural storyteller. Deidre is the only friend Harvey has ever known.
Unfortunately for Harvey, children in the system come and go, and their friendship wasn't meant to last.
Years later, a chance meeting on the streets of Sacramento reunites them. Diedre is just as broken, and Harvey is just as alone as they were as children. They've both built walls, but Diedre finds hers crumbling, finds herself wanting to connect… needing to.
The problem is that Harvey has a new friend now, a possibly dangerous friend… and he's preparing to spread his wings for the first time.
Harvey is the debut novel from Freddy Beans, a darkly whimsical tale of friendship, loss, and horror.