The Cheapery St. Heroes
  The Cheapery St. Heroes
Titolo The Cheapery St. Heroes
AutoreMichel de Montaigne Shawn; Cardinalis KJH
Prezzo€ 13,99
EditoreShawn Michel de Montaigne
LinguaTesto in Inglese

The Imaginariverse, the source of all imagination in the Multiverse, has been taken over by an evil queen named Walmar Seburbia. Her plan? To destroy six potential heroes in two different universes who could thwart her intention to rule forever. She traps the Conductor of Dreams, the spark that connects imaginations to the Imaginariverse, and shoves it into the Vortex Cannon. She's determined to stop these potential heroes at all costs. Who are they? Find out in Book One of The Cheapery St. Heroes!