Conversations With God
  Conversations With God
Titolo Conversations With God
AutoreShawn Michel de Montaigne
Prezzo€ 23,49
EditoreShawn Michel de Montaigne
LinguaTesto in Inglese

What did you spend your life doing? Did you answer the unique and primal ache each and every one of us has? Or did you (almost certainly) ignore it? Life is: school, marriage, kids, house, job, retirement, death. And in-between consuming as much as you can to stifle that ache. And in-between: constantly comparing yourself to your neighbors and coworkers. And in-between: kissing as much richer or more powerful ass as you can. And in-between: being steadily inured into Oblivion by the constant messages of advertisers: You aren't good enough! You aren't rich enough! You aren't sexy enough! You're getting old! You're getting fat! You're socially unacceptable! Why aren't you using fabric softener on that limp collar, loser!