Titolo Seed
AutoreGrassi Silvia; Dendena Bianca; Sorlini Claudia
Prezzo€ 2,99
EditoreFondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

Sharing solutions around food. Not just because feeding is the first action necessary for life, but also because it touches the deepest chords of the relationship between mother and son, between parents and children, between individuals and their religion. Food accompanies the history of humanity as a red thread, delineated in all its regional characteristics, conditioning significantly the history of science and technology. In short, food is civilization. Food and feeding have been represented and eternalized in art at all levels, spacing from painting – bearing in mind the thousands of extraordinary Holy Marys with Child at the breast and the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci -, passing by cinematography and music compositions – such as “Marzemino” by Mozart and Verdi's “Traviata”- and prospering in poetry and literature. However, food recalls crucial issues, being crucial that a large segment of population is still undernourished. A person suffering from hunger, as a population not having enough food, cannot be considered free, he will always depend on other people or from other countries, being subjected to blackmail or decisions handed down by others. Clearly, food is a right still denied to many. It is time to recognise the right to food as a fundamental human right both in national and international official acts, but above all from every single inhabitant of this planet. The text of The Milan Charter, cultural legacy of Expo Milano 2015, is available at the end of the book.