The Things That Appear at Night …
  The Things That Appear at Night …
Titolo The Things That Appear at Night …
AutoreTalar Shakhawan Mohammed
Prezzo€ 13,99
Editorenovum publishing
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

Tayler Star is a typical high school student. She goes to her classes, has a few friends, and she has her parents and two brothers. She doesn't like her homework or her P.E. class very much. One evening, while in her room, she spots a purple-colored object fall from the sky to the woods near her house. She quietly leaves her house and goes to the woods to see if she can find out what it is. So, what does she find there? What happens to her? She makes several new friends and goes on some different adventures than what you'd ever think a 17-year-old high school student would go on. When reading The Things That Appear at Night, you'll find that the plotline takes some unexpected turns and twists. As you get further into the book, you won't be able to stop reading to find out what happens at the end.