French Bulldog Training Vol 3 – Taking care of your French Bulldog: Nutrition, common diseases and general care of your French Bulldog
  French Bulldog Training Vol 3 – Taking care of your French Bulldog: Nutrition, common diseases and general care of your French Bulldog
Titolo French Bulldog Training Vol 3 – Taking care of your French Bulldog: Nutrition, common diseases and general care of your French Bulldog
AutoreClaudia Kaiser
Prezzo€ 4,49
EditoreExpertengruppe Verlag
LinguaTesto in Inglese

French Bulldog Training Vol 3 – Taking care of your French Bulldog Nutrition, common diseases and general care of your French Bulldog Taking care of a dog is often ... ... underrated and regarded as being unnecessary. ... only related to the grooming of the fur. ... completely neglected by many owners. What is really important about the care of your French Bulldog and how do you feed him properly? How can you recognise diseases and parasites early and, if possible, even prevent them? If you want to know how and how often to check on your French Bulldog's eyes, ears, teeth, paws, fur and skin, this guidebook is exactly right for you. You will learn what to watch out for. You will also learn what to watch out for when you buy commercially prepared food and what the advantages and disadvantages are of the various alternative methods of feeding, such as home-cooked, BARF or vegetarian or vegan feeding. In addition, you will discover everything you need to know about vaccinations and castration to help you decide whether they are right for you and your French Bulldog. This is volume three of the French Bulldog training guides. Volume 1 for your French Bulldog puppy is also available with the title "French Bulldog Training: Dog Training for your French Bulldog puppy". Vol. 2 for your grown up French Bulldog is also available with the title "French Bulldog Training Vol. 2: Dog Training for your grown-up French Bulldog" The author Claudia Kaiser says about her book: "I love my dogs and know what is important to watch out for regarding their nutrition and general care. Many owners underestimate how important it is to find out more about what you are feeding your dog. Many owners also underestimate the time it takes to care for his physical wellness and how important it is to recognise disease or parasites early. These things add enormously to the quality of life and happiness of your dog. " Read about background information, read reports on others' experiences and obtain step-by-step instructions and secret tips which are tailor-made for your French Bulldog. Get your copy of this book today and discover ... ... How to feed your French Bulldog in a healthy way consistent with his breed. ... How to examine him to recognise disease early and to ensure his correct care. ... And all that without having any previous experience in that area. Additionally, you will receive a special chapter about "Cooking your own dog food"!