"The World as a Future Laboratory" is an experiment within the global society, aimed particularly at igniting a spark of hope in today's children, youth, and young adults. Hope for a livable future. Hope that we are capable of halting the warming of our planet caused since the Industrial Revolution and, ideally, not exceeding the 1.5-degree limit. The book showcases numerous promising projects underway worldwide, offering a glimpse of a path forward, overcoming apocalyptic sentiments and rekindling optimism for the future, even as nature grows impatient with us. Across the globe, countless innovative startups and dynamic individuals are working to make our future sustainable. Decisive environmental and climate protection measures are essential. World leaders must act swiftly to ensure that the basic needs of the entire human race are met if we are to provide a future for nearly ten billion people in less than thirty years. Courageous representatives who embrace innovation, discard narrow-mindedness, and give the green light to sustainable projects are needed. "The World as a Future Laboratory" is not a guidebook or a visionary tome, although, admittedly, it may be a bit visionary. It speaks to my dream of an intact environment and intact humanity, and the journey to achieve it. The book delves into a total of EIGHT proposed solutions in detail, illustrating how this dream can be realized with unwavering discipline and passion.