Machine Tools Production Systems 1
  Machine Tools Production Systems 1
Titolo Machine Tools Production Systems 1
AutoreBrecher Christian; Weck Manfred
Prezzo€ 168,47
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

The first part of the Machine Tools and Production Systems Compendium presents the wide range of machine tools and a comprehensive overview of different machine types. Based on the categorization of manufacturing processes according to the German standard DIN 8580, the different areas of application of machine tools are delineated and the various machine designs, the mechanical structure as well as the functions of the machine types are explained. Numerous three-dimensional illustrations of the principles, color photos, section drawings and schematic diagrams supplement the explanations and provide visual support. First, the machine types for the different manufacturing processes are described — before the multi-machine systems are explained. This is followed by a detailed presentation of the various equipment components of machine tools. In the last newly introduced chapter, the volume is concluded by a comprehensive and detailed explanation of three design examples of selected machine tools based on assembly drawings. The German Machine Tools and Production Systems Compendium has been completely revised. The previous five-volume series has been condensed into three volumes in the new ninth edition with colored technical illustrations throughout. This first English edition is a translation of the German ninth edition.