Machine Tools Production Systems 2
  Machine Tools Production Systems 2
Titolo Machine Tools Production Systems 2
AutoreBrecher Christian; Weck Manfred
Prezzo€ 159,11
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

The first part of this volume provides the user with assistance in the selection and design of important machine and frame components. It also provides help with machine design, calculation and optimization of these components in terms of their static, dynamic and thermoelastic behavior. This includes machine installation, hydraulic systems, transmissions, as well as industrial design and guidelines for machine design. The second part of this volume deals with the metrological investigation and assessment of the entire machine tool or its components with respect to the properties discussed in the first part of this volume. Following an overview of the basic principles of measurement and measuring devices, the procedure for measuring them is described. Acceptance of the machine using test workpieces and the interaction between the machine and the machining process are discussed in detail. The German Machine Tools and Manufacturing Systems Compendium has been completely revised.The previous five-volume series has been condensed into three volumes in the new ninth edition with color technical illustrations throughout. This first English edition is a translation of the German ninth edition.