Machine Tools Production Systems 3
  Machine Tools Production Systems 3
Titolo Machine Tools Production Systems 3
AutoreWeck Manfred; Brecher Christian
Prezzo€ 112,31
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

The first part of this third volume focuses on the design of mechatronic components, in particular the feed drives of machine tools used to generate highly dynamic drive movements. Engineering guides for the selection and design of important machine components, the control technology of feed drives, and the measuring systems required for position capture are presented. Another focus is on process and diagnostic equipment for manufacturing machines and systems. The second part describes control concepts including programming methods for various applications of modern production systems. Programmable logic controllers (PLC), numerical controllers (NC) and robot controllers (RC) are part of these presentations. In the context of automated manufacturing systems, the various levels of the automation pyramid and the importance of control systems are also outlined. Finally, the volume deals with the engineering of machines and plants. The German Machine Tools and Production Systems Compendium has been completely revised. The previous five-volume series has been condensed into three volumes in the new ninth edition with colored technical illustrations throughout. This first English edition is a translation of the German ninth edition.