Breaking Free From Domestic Violence
  Breaking Free From Domestic Violence
Titolo Breaking Free From Domestic Violence
AutoreSusan P. Murray
Prezzo€ 0,99
EditoreSusan Murray
LinguaTesto in Inglese

Have you ever met an individual who you thought would be the "one"? I have, and during those years felt a sigh of relief that I would no longer have to search any longer. I met this individual at a point in my life where everything seemed to be crumbling around me. This individual provided comfort for me during these years, where I was feeling alone and lost. I soon found the individual I thought was the one I would be spending the rest of my life with, showing signs that I was all too familiar with. I felt a feeling in the pit of my stomach, as to run as far away from the person, as I could. I felt a great sadness inside, and also feeling foolish, that I thought and believed deep down I had found someone to share my life with.