Change sweeps through the lives of the beloved characters in this gripping
installment of the Denver Cereal saga. As Sissy grapples with Ivan's death in Paris, Tanesha faces the challenges of her final year of medical school in a post-Covid world. Jacob immerses himself in their thriving remodeling business, while Valerie juggles three demanding projects in Los Angeles.
When their children's mistakes unleash a whirlwind of chaos, the tight-knit community must rally together, testing the bounds of their resilience and love.
Through it all, they discover the true meaning of family – both chosen and blood.
Set against the vibrant backdrop of Denver, this novel weaves together elements of fantasy and the paranormal with the gritty realities of everyday life. Lincoln Park is a testament to the enduring power of community and the indomitable human spirit.
Don't miss this captivating new edition in Denver Cereal – one of the longest-running serial fictions ever written and published since 2008.