If you are used to living a carefree, I-get-what-I-want lifestyle, then strip off such reasoning and start cultivating a frugal personality. It’s not about downgrading yourself, it’s about starting a life of less worries. Some wise, rich folks have started putting on the frugal personality. Why? Because they knew full well that money and material things have their limits. So instead of spending their money on luxuries just to fit in in high society, they work, learn to save money, eat healthy, exercise regularly, budget certain amounts of their money monthly for basic necessities, have a maximum of two vehicles for personal use, practice preventive maintenance, eat most meals at home, enjoy luxuries only at end-of-the-months or on special occasions, and so on. “Why spend for expensive things and social clubs just to have friends? Such friends are interested only in what they can get from me,” they reason. Do you share the same sentiment?