The Fires Beneath the Sea
  The Fires Beneath the Sea
Titolo The Fires Beneath the Sea
AutoreLydia Millet
Prezzo€ 6,23
EditoreBig Mouth House
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

First book in a series reminiscent of classic children's adventure books. Think Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time and Susan Cooper's The Dark is Rising. Those books have passionate fans of all ages and this book will garner the same. The first book for younger readers by an author whose adult titles have received critical acclaim and won major awards. Supernatural adventure with a powerful environmental message. Boston-born author + Massachusetts publisher! We should be able to get this into every store in New England and then the rest of the country. We're going to make a pretty (and irresistible!) book. You can use our Jaon Aiken The Serial Garden as a visual model. An excellent book for summer readers on Cape Cod and, yes, everywhere!