Yasir Qadhi is one of America's most well-known and influential Muslims. He regularly delivers talks at major Muslim events and is sought after, as a speaker, by Muslim organisations throughout the world.
yasir Qadhi has nearly a MILLION Facebook followers and he has over 150k YouTube subscribers - with some videos featuring him with close to a MILLION views.
This book represents the first mainstream book he has produced in a number of years. Recently his focus has been on writing scholarly articles, as he finished (and received) his PhD from Yale University.
The content of this book will help Muslims understand a particular chapter in the Qur'an, titled Surah Yusuf. It is an oft read chapter, and one that Muslims are familiar with.
What marks this book out as different is that the author combines an Eastern and Western education, and he appreciates the challenges of a modern Western Muslim trying to balance social, cultural and spiritual demands..
Many religious books for Muslims continue to concentrate on tradition, rather than provide reasoned positions. This book focuses on the latter, offering knowledge that will appeal to young, critical Muslim readers. Yet, the author is also recognised for his steadfast Islamic positions, which has endeared him to a wide spectrum of Muslims.