The Science of Mind with Study Guide
  The Science of Mind with Study Guide
Titolo The Science of Mind with Study Guide
AutorePuskar Theresa; Holmes Earnest
Prezzo€ 4,80
EditoreG&D Media
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

The Science of Mind is the revolutionary religious proposal, originally published in the early part of the twentieth century, written by Ernest S. Holmes and based on the teachings of the great philosophers. According to him, God is a perpetual energy source, present throughout the universe. Through prayer, a person can reach God and heal spiritual, mental, and physical wounds. Holmes believed in a philosophy of religion and psychology that emphasized the limitless potential of the human mind. He created the Religious Science movement, a part of the larger, popular New Thought movement. Believing that science, philosophy, and religion could all be connected for the betterment of the individual his work expounds that the universe allows each person to dictate positive and negative feelings in their life and reach a higher level of existence by employing Nature’s forces and the power of God. This deluxe edition of this classic work, includes a 21st century study guide filled with practices and exercises that will provide a summary and insights on Holmes’ teachings, and provide you with the power to reach a higher level of existence.