This book is about each of us finding lasting peace and happiness in our life, without losing ourselves to the cult of materialism which is causing so much harm to our planet. It is about us developing a deeper sense of self awareness; a deeper connection to one another and the world in which we live, without having to adopt any particular form of religious practice or belief system. This is not a book about philosophy, science or religion, although it touches on all of those things. Nor is it a self-help guide. It will not tell you how to live your life differently. It will invite you to consider the reasons why your life might not be all that you had hoped for. And it will invite you to consider alternative ways of seeing yourself and the world in which you live, in the hope that you might then go on to experience greater meaning and fulfilment in your life. Many of the ideas discussed in this book have been influenced by channelled material, received by the author, prior to publication