(Not) a perfect crime
  (Not) a perfect crime
Titolo (Not) a perfect crime
AutoreStephan Funke
Prezzo€ 16,99
Editorenovum publishing
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

Is Rainer Hofmann a murderer or is the retired detective superintendent just a pawn in a murderous game? This is the question that Jasmin Franke, senior investigator at the Hamburg Homicide Division, has to ask herself when a woman's body is found, horribly disfigured beyond recognition. The only lead for the police is a business card belonging to Rainer Hofmann that was found on the dead woman's chest. But it's not just Rainer and Jasmin who are interested in this sensational case. Successful crime writer Nina Strahl, who has recently suffered a series of failures, also sees great potential in the case for a new book, and journalist Rick van Dyck, who dreams of becoming an influencer, now sees his chance. Will the case give him the big opportunity he's been waiting for?