"Honey, we need to talk," says your body
  "Honey, we need to talk," says your body
Titolo "Honey, we need to talk," says your body
AutoreCarola Ramsauer
Prezzo€ 18,99
Editorenovum publishing
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

The language of our body - how can we understand it? How can we decode its messages? How can we get back into dialog with it - our best friend - so that we can correctly interpret, treat and heal symptoms of illness? This book aims to provide answers to these questions. The focus is less on theory and more on practice. The author can cite countless exemplary cases from her 30 years of professional experience as a body therapist. She has many insightful, interesting and amusing stories to tell. She takes us on a journey through our bodies. Exemplary body parts are highlighted in order to find out the causes of the most diverse symptoms.