Pauli can draw
  Pauli can draw
Titolo Pauli can draw
AutorePam Schellhorn
Prezzo€ 15,99
Editorenovum publishing
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

Little Pauli lives with his parents, grandparents and older brother Willi when he is old enough to start school. He is excited and anxious about this new stage in his life, but he soon encounters a major obstacle: drawing lessons on Wednesdays! Everyone in his family is a talented draughtsman, but Pauli is convinced: He can't do it. So far he has always been able to get away with excuses, but now it's inevitable: everyone will find out that he can't draw! What an embarrassment! When Pauli confides in his grandpa, he not only gives him tips for drawing, but also for life. A loving story about believing in yourself - with lots of pictures, of course!