Fresh on the table - Margit's cooking and baking recipes
  Fresh on the table - Margit's cooking and baking recipes
Titolo Fresh on the table - Margit's cooking and baking recipes
AutoreMargit Zankl
Prezzo€ 31,99
Editorenovum publishing
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

You can tell from the very first recipe that cooking means love, passion, relaxation and creativity for Margit Zankl from Burgenland - conjuring up something delicious with different foods is a pleasure for her that she would like to share with others. This is how this compilation, her retirement project written in Austrian, came about. The dishes are a compilation of different cooking and baking categories such as "For the small appetite" or "Colorful all sorts" and different flavors. Many of the recipes are based on traditional Austrian cuisine. All the dishes are easy to cook, even for less experienced cooks, and the instructions are kept pleasantly short. Have fun cooking and baking!