The call of salvation
  The call of salvation
Titolo The call of salvation
AutoreGeorg Kaufmann
Prezzo€ 15,99
Editorenovum publishing
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

Since time immemorial, the arrival of strangers has always aroused a certain suspicion. Who are these strangers? Why are they here? Do they endanger something that we have worked for? But this is not a phenomenon of our time. There have always been new things and changes, and a willingness and appreciation on both sides is needed for a happy coexistence. We must see every stranger first of all as what he or she is: a human being! "In every human being, without exception, there is a light of God that wants to be appreciated. It is a crime against the will of God to want to limit this light or to dictate how and where it should shine. This is nothing more than human small-mindedness and human arrogance!"