I'm not finished yet
  I'm not finished yet
Titolo I'm not finished yet
AutoreMichael Schletz
Prezzo€ 16,99
Editorenovum publishing
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

The first-person narrator Micha recounts in anecdotes what happened to him in particular during the 80s and 90s. Since he feels part of the punk scene, the experiences associated with it are often in the foreground. It is a world full of excessive alcohol consumption, wild parties and all-nighters, weird and forbidden actions, police interrogations, unemployment and various jobs. Be it a mysterious driving assignment in which he puts himself in danger, or the fact that he wakes up in the park at night during a vacation and sees a gun pointed directly at him – Micha recounts what happened from his perspective, but does not skimp on vulgar expressions and the description of sometimes absurd situations.