As on wings of the dawn
  As on wings of the dawn
Titolo As on wings of the dawn
AutoreSieglinde Maraschi
Prezzo€ 14,99
Editorenovum publishing
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

Although it is an authentic book, it is more than just an autobiography. It begins with a love story straight out of 1001 Nights. Together with the author, we immerse ourselves in the magic of another world, her paradise. Thanks to her father-in-law, she is able to find her inner home in Iran, free from convention, not as a Christian or a Muslim, but as someone who trusts in God. When they are forced to flee their city during the war, it is an expulsion from paradise. There is a crisis in the marriage. Sieglinde does everything she can to save her marriage, nothing is too much for her love. In doing so, she repeatedly oversteps her own boundaries, which almost destroys her. Only when the voice inside her says: "You have to go!" is she ready to accept what has happened and leave. And to forgive, even herself.