The Pendulum and Other Poems
  The Pendulum and Other Poems
Titolo The Pendulum and Other Poems
AutoreJ. Philip Goldberg
Prezzo€ 7,99
Editorenovum publishing
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

In "The Pendulum and Other Poems," J. Philip Goldberg presents his thoughts about life, nature, philosophy, and the workings of the human mind using the conventions and standards of a variety of poetic styles. He takes us through his unique perspective on history, his observations of society, imitations in honor of masterful poets of the past, and ruminations on man's struggle with nature. The poems range from appreciative praise of a talented singer to a lament of the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral, with jaunts into the past and lyrical musings on the meaning of life and the coming of death, as well as humorous observations on the ironic hypocrisies of the modern world. A poignant assessment of life from one who has lived long and well.