Making a difference can be emotionally exhausting. Have you ever wondered what keeps various social impact workers motivated?
Hopeful Despair introduces the reader to people who are dedicating so much of their time, thoughts, and hearts to the improvement of lives all over the globe. This book highlights the positive changes that are being made by these individuals and what motivates them to continue to believe in their organization’s mission and their personal sense of purpose. Become inspired by the passion that these individuals have for their causes, and let their stories show you that there is always a reason to persevere.
This book touches upon:
Domestic violence
Human trafficking events occurring around the world.
The lack of sanitary care for shelterless people.
And more...
Hope and despair are two words that are so contrary, the emotions so polarizing...and yet they can create such power when felt simultaneously. Hopeful Despair will give you the tools you need to successfully navigate the bond between the two.