How well do we know China? Tensions between the US and China continue to escalate. But through better understanding and what is “lost in translation,” cooperation with China can be more easily achieved. Empathize with China explores the US-China relationship within a global context and China’s exploding emergence. It diffuses common misconceptions through International Relations, recent topics of controversy and personal experiences. It is a tool to help people; not only to understand China better, but also to be more critical (nonetheless curious) about news events. Empathize with China is a call to action; a call for cooperation despite vast differences.
In this book, you'll learn about:
The essence of the Chinese culture and the resulting conflict with the West
How China’s history continues to shape China today
The rationale behind common confusions about China
Empathize with China speaks to people who are looking for a different perspective on China; those who would like to know more about current global issues surrounding China’s rise, and those interested in its future as it relates to world politics and events that will affect our daily life.