Master English in 12 Topics.
  Master English in 12 Topics.
Titolo Master English in 12 Topics.
AutoreJenny Smith
Prezzo€ 2,99
EditoreIsaac Perrotta-Hays
LinguaTesto in Inglese

How to master English Lots of intermediate English speakers tend to get trapped using the same vocabulary over and over again. They often only speak about subjects they know the words for and avoid anything outside of their 'comfort zone'. The problem with this is that even though they sound ok, they never really get any better. If you really want to improve, you need to be able to speak about a wide range of topics. For this, you will need to learn the special vocabulary connected to these topics. What are the benefits of using this book? You will learn 235 useful words and phrases. You will be able to speak about 12 new topics with confidence. This will greatly improve your English conversational ability. All new words and phrases are introduced in fun and interesting articles and stories. So you will learn naturally. Everything is explained in easy to understand English, so you can get used to 'thinking in English'. There are 100's of example sentences to help you understand how these words and phrases are used in everyday language. For each topic I have listed useful television shows and YouTube channels to help you practice your new vocabulary. What topics will I be able to speak about after I read this book? Romance Crime Law The News Food and Cooking Property Hospitals/Medicine School Sports Cars Wildlife Nature Remember these are all topics that native speakers often talk about. They also tend to use specialised language so it's important that you know it too. If you are in the intermediate level and are looking to really improve then this a great place to start. Get started on your journey to English fluency today by clicking the buy button.