Four Years Campaigning In The Army Of The Potomac
  Four Years Campaigning In The Army Of The Potomac
Titolo Four Years Campaigning In The Army Of The Potomac
AutoreDaniel C. Crotty
Prezzo€ 2,67
EditoreMaine Book Barn Publishing
LinguaTesto in Inglese

"Four Years Campaigning In The Army Of The Potomac" by Daniel C. Crotty is the story of the common soldier in the American Civil War. Daniel Crotty was an emigrant from Ireland, who volunteered at the outset of the Civil War to serve his home state of Michigan. His love of the US, which had given him a chance at a rewarding life, not available in his native Ireland due to British oppression is evident throughout this moving book of his war experiences. Crotty was the Color Sergeant in the Third Michigan Volunteers from 1861-1865. Thus, he served for the entire war with the Army Of The Potomac. He witnessed & participated in most of their major battles including the Peninsula Campaign, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, the Wilderness campaign, the siege of Petersburg, & finally the April 1865 climax of the victorious Union army. He relates all the hardship, terror, & pain of those bloody battles, as well as the comradeship & bonding of the common soldier. War is begun by old men, directed by high ranking old military officers, but it is the young common soldier who suffers, is mutilated or dies in the process. This truism is born out in the pages of this book. Dan Crotty's book is a must read for any student of military history on the devastating impact of the American Civil War on the life of the common people. There are approximately 63,250 words and approximately 210+ pages at 300 words per page in this e-book. NOTE: This book has been scanned then OCR (Optical Character Recognition) has been applied to turn the scanned page images back into editable text. Then every effort has been made to correct typos, spelling, and to eliminate stray marks picked up by the OCR program. The original and/or extra period images, if any, were then placed in the appropriate place and, finally, the file was formatted for the e-book criteria of the site. This means that the text CAN be re-sized, searches performed, & bookmarks added, unlike some other e-books that are only scanned---errors, stray marks, and all. We have added an Interactive Table of Contents & an Interactive List of Illustrations if any were present in the original. This means that the reader can click on the links in the Table of Contents or the List of Illustrations & be instantly transported to that chapter or illustration. Our aim is to provide the reader AND the collector with long out-of-print (OOP) classic books at realistic prices. If you load your mobile device(s) with our books, not only will you have fingertip access to a large library of antiquarian and out-of-print material at reasonable prices, but you can mark them up electronically & always have them for immediate reference without worrying about damage or loss to expensive bound copies. We will be adding to our titles regularly, look for our offerings on your favorite e-book site.