Founders of Texas: Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar Second President of the Republic
  Founders of Texas: Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar Second President of the Republic
Titolo Founders of Texas: Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar Second President of the Republic
AutoreAsa Kyrus Christian
Prezzo€ 2,67
EditoreMaine Book Barn Publishing
LinguaTesto in Inglese

"Founders of Texas: Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar Second President of the Republic." by Asa Kyrus Cristian is an account of the Presidential administration of the 2nd President of the Republic of Texas. Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar (1798–1859) was a Texas founder, poet, diplomat and soldier who was a leading Texas political figure during the Texas Republic Era. He was the second President of the Republic of Texas, the 1st being Sam Houston. He joined Huston's army in 1836 and distinguished himself with bravery at the Battle of San Jacinto. On the eve of the battle, Lamar made a courageous rescue of two surrounded Texans in a move that drew a salute from the Mexican lines. He was promoted to colonel and was the commander of the cavalry during the battle the following day. These actions led to an appointment as the Secretary of War in the interim government. In 1836, he was elected vice-president under Houston. Lamar was then the unanimous choice to replace Houston as president in 1838, as the Texas Constitution forbade the President from being re-elected to successive terms. Lamar faced huge problems as President. First the Mexican Central government wanted to crush the new Texas Republic & force the territory back into Mexico. Second the Texas Indian tribes wanted their hunting grounds back & were encouraged in their marauding expeditions by the Mexican Government. Lastly, the Texas government needed money to face these & other challenges but had no gold or silver backing for the paper currency they were forced to issue, which led to the twin evils of depreciation of the currency & inflation of goods in the Republic. This book gives background on Lamar's life while it delves into the details of his successful attempts to meet the challenges presented by the times. Lamar is largely forgotten by Texas historians; the more famous names of Houston, Travis, Crockett, et al receive all the fame, but if not for his policies, the Republic of Texas might not have survived to morph into the state of Texas by the annexation of 1845. A must read for the student of Texas history for background material on the exciting events that led to the Annexation of Texas & the Mexican-American War. There are approximately 78,600 words and approximately 262 pages at 300 words per page in this e-book. NOTE: This book has been scanned then OCR (Optical Character Recognition) has been applied to turn the scanned page images back into editable text. Then every effort has been made to correct typos, spelling, and to eliminate stray marks picked up by the OCR program. The original and/or extra period images, if any, were then placed in the appropriate place and, finally, the file was formatted for the e-book criteria of the site. This means that the text CAN be re-sized, searches performed, & bookmarks added, unlike some other e-books that are only scanned---errors, stray marks, and all. We have added an Interactive Table of Contents & an Interactive List of Illustrations if any were present in the original. This means that the reader can click on the links in the Table of Contents or the List of Illustrations & be instantly transported to that chapter or illustration. Our aim is to provide the reader AND the collector with long out-of-print (OOP) classic books at realistic prices. If you load your mobile device(s) with our books, not only will you have fingertip access to a large library of antiquarian and out-of-print material at reasonable prices, but you can mark them up electronically & always have them for immediate reference without worrying about damage or loss to expensive bound copies. We will be adding to our titles regularly, look for our offerings on your favorite e-book site.