Diary of Ephraim Shelby Dodd; 1862-1864: Terry's Texas Rangers; Company D; 8th Texas Cavalry Regiment
  Diary of Ephraim Shelby Dodd; 1862-1864: Terry's Texas Rangers; Company D; 8th Texas Cavalry Regiment
Titolo Diary of Ephraim Shelby Dodd; 1862-1864: Terry's Texas Rangers; Company D; 8th Texas Cavalry Regiment
AutoreEphraim S. Dodd
Prezzo€ 2,15
EditoreMaine Book Barn Publishing
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

"Diary of Ephraim Shelby Dodd; 1862-1864: Terry's Rangers; Company D; The 8th Texas Cavalry Regiment" by Ephraim Shelby Dodd is the diary of a member of Company D of the storied 8th Texas cavalry regiment also known as Terry's Rangers. Ephraim Dodd was a member of Company D of this famous cavalry unit so this diary records his day-to-day experiences during the Civil War from his frontline prospective in that company. Dodd was captured and hung as a spy by Union forces in early January 1864, ostensibly because he was wearing blue uniform pants and had this diary in his possession. That was the good reason for hanging him as a spy. The real reason was apparently because Generals Sherman and Grant had issued orders that captured confederates wearing Union uniforms and/or carrying papers with Union troop movements were to be dealt with severely. Can't get much "severer" than hanging, can you? At any rate, even Union army officers and at least one Northern newspaper, at that time, condemned Dodd's execution, on such flimsy grounds. Terry's Texas Rangers were one of the most famous Texas cavalry units in the Civil war. From a full strength of 1,200 at the start of the war, they could muster only about 200 in their last charge at the battle of Bentonville, North Carolina in 1865. In the original, this short book of approximately 11,000+ words is very costly since it was printed in small numbers in Austin, Texas in 1914, by the Texas State Library as a contribution to the history of Texas units during the Civil War. Meant only for interested students of the war and for research by historians it was not widely circulated. A companion volume, also very rare in its original form, to this book is "Terry's Texas Rangers" by Leonidas B. Giles, also available in e-book format. Giles' book in fact mentions the incident of Dodd's hanging as "one of the saddest events in all our career. " A great bit of the storied Civil war cavalry history of Texas military by an eyewitness of that tremendous struggle . There are approximately 11,000+ words and approximately 37 pages at 300 words per page in this e-book. NOTE: This book has been scanned then OCR (Optical Character Recognition) has been applied to turn the scanned page images back into editable text. Then every effort has been made to correct typos, spelling, and to eliminate stray marks picked up by the OCR program. The original and/or extra period images, if any, were then placed in the appropriate place and, finally, the file was formatted for the e-book criteria of the site. This means that the text CAN be re-sized, searches performed, & bookmarks added, unlike some other e-books that are only scanned---errors, stray marks, and all. We have added an Interactive Table of Contents & an Interactive List of Illustrations if any were present in the original. This means that the reader can click on the links in the Table of Contents or the List of Illustrations & be instantly transported to that chapter or illustration. Our aim is to provide the reader AND the collector with long out-of-print (OOP) classic books at realistic prices. If you load your mobile device(s) with our books, not only will you have fingertip access to a large library of antiquarian and out-of-print material at reasonable prices, but you can mark them up electronically & always have them for immediate reference without worrying about damage or loss to expensive bound copies. We will be adding to our titles regularly, look for our offerings on your favorite e-book site.