Watercolor 365
  Watercolor 365
Titolo Watercolor 365
AutoreLeslie Redhead
Prezzo€ 12,26
EditoreNorth Light Books
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

A year's worth of tips, techniques, advice and more! Make watercolor a part of your daily life, turning every day into inspiration for your art. Designed to fit your life, Watercolor 365--the first watercolor book of its kind--provides a complete education in the medium, one bite-sized bit of information at a time. Open it daily to find a new tip, idea, technique or challenge...all aimed at getting you into the habit and mindset of an artist. Inside you'll find: • 52 mini step-by-step demonstrations (like painting skin tones and adding texture) • 52 Q&A's (based on questions received on social media, in workshops, and from blogs) • 52 troubleshooting tips (such as how to remove masking fluid that has had too long to dry and how to lift paint) • 52 bits of creative advice (suck as why you should consider taking a painting holiday and keeping photographic records of your process) • 52 general tips (such as basic composition and transferring images for painting) • 52 definitions (clear, concise definitions of terminology, such as value and atmospheric perspective) • 52 exercises to improve your artistic skills (simple lessons for techniques like glazing and mixing grays)