This groundbreaking look at deer behavior is packed with research that will enhance your hunting and wildlife viewing experience.
Whitetails: A Photographic Journey through the Seasons chronicles the life of six white-tailed deer, sharing a journey through the seasons from the viewpoint of the deer, vividly illustrating both behavior and the deer's perspective.
• More than 200 stunning, full-color photos portray the life of the whitetail in intimate detail.
• Chapters read like "a day in the life of," providing a rare glimpse at the behaviors of deer.
• Explains reproduction, courtship and mating, including the rut and behaviors leading up to it.
• Covers bucks, does and fawns for an entire year cycle.
• Special chapter covers antler growth.
Time-lapse images, taken between April and October, depict a buck as it grows a full rack of antlers.