The Bad Writer's Book of Bad Foreshadowing
  The Bad Writer's Book of Bad Foreshadowing
Titolo The Bad Writer's Book of Bad Foreshadowing
AutoreDavid Macpherson
Prezzo€ 0,99
EditoreDavid Macpherson
LinguaTesto in Inglese

Being a good bad writer is a ton of work. One of the ways that bad writing shines is through shoddy use of the concept of foreshadowing. What is foreshadowing? We are so glad you asked. We are not quite sure. The internet says foreshadowing is, "A literary device that is used to tease the reader about plot turns that will occur later in the story." And to that we assert, easy for you to say, bucko. Foreshadowing can improve a book. It can also be obvious and annoying. And that's what we are hoping you will learn. Bad foreshadowing is something every bad writer must master. To assist you in this goal, we have gathered 218 examples of bad foreshadowing to experience and learn from. We scoured the library at the Institute of Bad Writing and took out all the example of bad foreshadowing we came across. Discern how they take the gentle art of foreshadowing and make it bad writing. If you feel the need to steal these examples and make a story from them, who will stop you. That's another wonderful aspect of bad writers, we steal, baby.