Siren Circle
  Siren Circle
Titolo Siren Circle
AutoreErin M. Hartshorn
Prezzo€ 4,99
EditoreEimarra Press
LinguaTesto in Inglese

Pepper Karalis is still adjusting to the discovery that Boston is rich in magical life. It's not enough that her kids are sneaking around trying to do magic without her learning about it — she has to deal with a wide array of magic outside the home, too. In addition to witches and a Lung dragon who busks in T stations, she's run into a muse, trolls, and centaurs … and now she's found a colony of sirens near Symphony Hall, who instantly rub her the wrong way.When magical compulsion starts causing deaths that look like suicides, Pepper needs to know — is someone targeting the sirens? Or are they the source of the threat? The longer it takes Pepper to find the killer, the more people will die.Siren Circle is the second book in the exciting new Boston Technowitch series.