House Plants: 25 Simple and Easy Gardening Tips on Choosing the Best Indoor Plants And Clean Air Plants for Your Home
  House Plants: 25 Simple and Easy Gardening Tips on Choosing the Best Indoor Plants And Clean Air Plants for Your Home
Titolo House Plants: 25 Simple and Easy Gardening Tips on Choosing the Best Indoor Plants And Clean Air Plants for Your Home
AutoreLoren Olson
Prezzo€ 4,64
EditoreJVzon Studio
LinguaTesto in Inglese

Have you ever wanted to purchase a house plant but really don't know where to start? There are hundreds and hundreds to choose from, but if you aren't terribly knowledgeable about them, the decision making process can be confusing. A lot of people avoid having plants out of fear of killing them, but even if this does happen, it doesn't mean you shouldn't try. You may be surprised to find out that there are plants out there that are almost indestructible. Fantastic for those who have a tendency to forget to water them. Some plants seem complicated to grow, and someone may have said they are too difficult, but don't go by what someone else says, find out for yourself. Are orchids too hard to grow? Not really. How do you choose a plant for the bedroom? That's really simple if you follow the advice in this book. Do you choose a cactus, a succulent, a fern or a flowering beauty? Do you even know the difference? If you want to learn all about choosing house plants, here are some of the topics covered: Fragrant Plants Foliage Plants Cactus and Succulents What Plants Are Safe For Cats? Insect Repellent Plants Plants For Allergies Plants For Cleaning The Air Hanging Baskets, Pots and Containers