The world is weird. If any proof was needed, the first few months of 2020 provided it. But did we need proof? Didn't we already know that you only have to scratch the surface to see the weirdness beneath? Sometimes it oozes out, suppurates, infects; sometimes it leaps out, takes root and blossoms.
We get used to it, carry on as if it wasn't there. But we have it inside us - we are weird. What you see as normal is just the mosaic of abnormality that you experienced last week, yesterday, this morning - so of course you'll experience it tomorrow. Or will you?
Zero. Now, that's a strange number. Its first recorded use was in ancient Babylon, but it didn't reach Europe till the 12th Century. A round hole of nothing, containing everything. Black hole, wormhole, sinkhole, loophole. Is it the beginning or the end? Welcome to the Rabbit Hole. Weird.