Linda never thought she would see him again, but sometimes crazy things in life happen for a reason. Ten years ago, Linda and her best friend and crush Daniel left each other. His only response way a note that he left one night in all of the ten years since the separated, and she was heartbroken by that. But, when she’s working at the racetrack at her new job, she sees him, and suddenly, the feelings that she had in the past were bubbling up again, and Linda felt happy.
But, he had his secrets of his own, and when Linda finds out about his major secret, all of the events that happened in the past were explained. A major change had happened to him, and it took him ten years to feel secure about telling her. But, he doesn’t know if Linda will accept his fate. Will Linda accept him for who he is? Or will the truth be too much for her, leading her to believe that her best friend is gone forever and is replaced by a monster. Find out in this biker romance that shows that when two people become reunited, feelings can come back, and the truth can sometimes be more palatable as one ages in life.
WARNING: This ebook contains mature themes and language. Intended for 18+ readers only.