Garden Guide: 20 Proven Lessons on How to Build Your Own Rain Garden
  Garden Guide: 20 Proven Lessons on How to Build Your Own Rain Garden
Titolo Garden Guide: 20 Proven Lessons on How to Build Your Own Rain Garden
AutoreJody Ford
Prezzo€ 4,71
EditoreJVzon Studio
LinguaTesto in Inglese

Rain gardens are often a very overlooked element in combating pollution. In order to help with dealing with storm water run off, a rain garden can be the perfect solution for every home owner. Whether you live in the city or in the middle of nowhere, you can be a contributing factor when it comes to reducing pollution all across the land. And don't we all love to think we are doing something good! By adding a rain garden, you will be reducing erosion, as well as water pollution, and helping to beautify your property through the placement of a garden that just gets better with the years. Rain gardens help to reduce: - Storm run off - Eroded stream banks - Sewer overflow - Loss of aquatic life - Loss of animal habitat Add to these issues, the chemicals, toxins, fertilizers, oil, and other pollutants that wash down streets and roadways into sewers and storm drains and it all adds up to one big problem. Well built rain gardens help to reduce water run off by 90% and removes over 70% of pollutants. And it's all done by Nature.