Wiccan rituals, traditions, and spells, have all been regarded as something of a mystery for hundreds of years, until recent times. Where there is mystery there is often misunderstanding, but in reality, the Wiccans are peaceful, Earth loving, and choose to delve into the mystical world of magick. There are hundreds of spells that can be performed, and in this book you will find the simplest and most common spells that are fantastic for beginners. Whether you are looking for love, as we all are, or hoping for some financial gain, or simply want to know where you left an item that can no longer be found, there are spells for all. But are they complicated and do they need a lot of items? The short answer is no, as many of the spells only need one or two items to perform them. Wiccan spells can help you find what you are looking for in life, or they can be used to repair emotional disagreements, offer protection for you and your loved ones, and rid yourself of persons that bring negative energy into your life. Bring more happiness to yourself through the practice of Wicca, and begin to enjoy a more fulfilled and peaceful life.
Here is what you will learn after reading this book:
Spells For Love and Romance
Welcome Wealth
Find What is Lost
Bury and Banish
Protections Spells for Your Home and Family
Breaking a Curse
Get Rid of Bad Habits
Symbols and Candle Colors
Plus many more fascinating and easy to perform spells.