Blessings from the Darkness

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Compiled and edited by Kelly J. Koch
Black Bed Sheet Books is proud to present an anthology of over 30 diverse authors with tales and poems to inspire, thrill and terrify!
Blessings from the Darkness is an eclectic collection of horror, sci-fi, fantasy, heartfelt prose, and everything in between, by a talented and diverse group of writers and published authors in dedication of, and in support of, our dearest friend: the award-winning and bestselling Author Yvonne Mason… inspiration, selflessly supportive, and a dear friend to many aspiring writers and indie authors. She believes in paying it forward: offering her knowledge and insights and friendship to kindred souls…… (taken from the dedication by G.J. Lentz). All sales of this anthology present and future are donated to her in support of her son, who at the time of this publication has been ill and out of work, and struggling to support his family due to an undiagnosed illness.
Featuring Scott Nicholson - Barbara Watkins - Rick Powell - Sage Sinclair - Matt Haynes - Vicky Carter - T.G. Reaper - Ian Bush - Cinta Garcia De La Rosa - Todd Propst - Christopher Adams - Luis Vera - David Schütz II - Shawna Platt - Christopher Adams - Sandy Rozanski - Sharon Sobolik - Alan Gravitt - Michael Gersony - Sheri Ann Richerson - Jynell Hull - T.O. Gade - Tara Atkinson - W. Freedreamer Tinkanesh - Mary Genevieve Fortier - Marvin Anderson - E.A. Irwin - G.J. Lentz