Become an ETF expert with this up-to-date investment guide
Want to expand your portfolio beyond stocks and mutual funds? (Of course you do, you smart investor you.) Then take a look at exchange-traded funds (ETFs)! A cross between an index fund and a stock, they're transparent, easy to trade, and tax-efficient. They're also enticing because they consist of a bundle of assets (such as an index, sector, or commodity), so diversifying your portfolio is easy. You might have even seen them offered in your 401(k) or 529 college plan.
Exchange-Traded Funds For Dummies is your primer on ETFs. It gives you an insider (the legal kind!) perspective on the investment process, starting with an overview of ETFs and how they differ from stocks and mutual funds. The book also helps you measure risk and add on to your portfolio, and offers advice on how to avoid the mistakes even professionals sometimes make. Throughout, you'll also find plenty of tips, tricks, and even sample portfolios to set you up on the right path for investment success.
With Exchange-Traded Funds For Dummies, you will:
Find out exactly what exchange-traded funds are and why they make good investments
Mix and match stock portfolios to diversify yours
Go beyond stocks for maximum diversification: bonds, real estate, and commodity ETFs
Maintain your portfolio for future growth
With the tricks of the trade in Exchange-Traded Funds For Dummies, you can easily apply the knowledge you gain to turn good investments into great ones. Happy earning!