Tim Wise is a force. His relentless touring and blogging have positioned him as one of the top commentators on the ever-changing racial landscape in the US today. A-list media seek him, his events are packed and his sales are strong. His success demonstrates that people of all colors in the US are deeply concerned about race. "White America" builds on his previous two books ("Between Barack" & "Colorblind"), and is written to directly address white Americans’ anxiety about their future and fear of losing the privileges of being a racial majority. The old notion that “being white means never having to think about it,” is being challenged on all fronts, as whites are increasingly having to reflect on their racial identity, realize that it has meaning (historical and today), and figure out what that means for a 21st century United States. Wise taps the trends, fears and anxieties of white America and addresses how to move forward as a unified, diverse and vibrant democracy.