You see, I'm not really a doctor. Not a medical doctor, that is. I'm something a bit more unusual. I reckon I have the best job in the whole world - I'm a clown doctor.' Jean-Paul Bell
Imagine being a child in hospital, away from the home and feeling sad, frightened, lonely or in pain. This is where the Clown Doctors step in to help with their own quirky style of 'medicine'.
Join this very special troupe as they do their rounds in children's hospitals all over Australia, bringing laughter and joy to more than 100,000 patients and their families each year. Meet Dr B Loony and Dr Twang, Dr Know-It-All and others when they conduct their clown rounds through children's and emergency wards, intensive care, burns and oncology units, dispensing jokes and songs with skill and compassion. And always with the aim of helping families, hospital staff, and especially the children to forget their illnesses and fears for a while and return to a world that is about fun and play.
Welcome to a day in the lives of the Clown Doctors, filled with special moments, courage, tears, smiles and laughter.