Generation Esther
  Generation Esther
Titolo Generation Esther
AutoreLisa Ryan
Prezzo€ 5,10
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

Just as Esther was set apart for her destiny by her character and her commitment to God, He is preparing young women today to influence their generation for Him. This companion book to For Such a Time as This profiles the lives of several modern-day Esthers, from headliners like Rebecca St. James, Heather Mercer and Dayna Curry to low-profile, unexpected heroines. Each girl's story illustrates important character strengths, such as purity, friendship, honesty, advocacy, prayer, servanthood, and courage, that influenced her response to challenging choices and cultural pressures. These profiles will inspire every young woman who wonders what God can do through her. You’re more than just a pretty face. You want something more. In a culture that wants you to live for sex, hate your parents, become apathetic, and get wasted, something inside is calling you to a life of purpose. And you’re not alone. Rebecca St. James, Heather Mercer, and Dayna Curry are just a few examples of Gen E girls—young women who, like Esther in the Bible, have been set apart for an incredible destiny by their intense commitment to God. These profiles of modern-day Esthers, ordinary girls in the hands of an extraordinary God, will inspire you to f ind out how God is preparing you—for such a time as this.