Swear to Howdy
  Swear to Howdy
Titolo Swear to Howdy
AutoreWendelin Van Draanen
Prezzo€ 6,11
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

A funny friendship turns serious in this haunting book about secrets, lies, and what it means to be a true friend. “Rusty, I swear to howdy, if you tell a soul...” Joey Banks is a walking adventure. He’s funny, daring, mischievous—and frequently in trouble. Or he would be if anyone found out about half the stuff he’s done. But Rusty Cooper knows how to keep a secret. And Joey’s the best friend he’s ever had. But then comes a secret that is at once too terrible to tell and too terrible to keep. A secret so big it threatens to eat them alive. What would a true friend do now? Wendelin Van Draanen has written a richly layered book that offers a thought-provoking look at the boundaries of friendship and what it really means to be true.