Teaching Inpatient Medicine
  Teaching Inpatient Medicine
Titolo Teaching Inpatient Medicine
AutoreHouchens Nathan; Saint Sanjay; Harrod Molly
Prezzo€ 38,16
EditoreOxford University Press
LinguaTesto in Inglese
FormatoAdobe DRM

Teaching Inpatient Medicine, Second Edition equips physician-educators with proven, practical strategies to ease their learners' journey toward becoming autonomous medical professionals. Most physicians have not had formal training on how to teach yet find themselves leading medical learners while ensuring best patient care practices. Supported by close study of a diverse group of teaching attending physicians, Teaching Inpatient Medicine presents a comprehensive guide for teachers of inpatient medicine in all stages of their careers who are looking to improve their teaching approach and their ability to connect with patients and learners. This second edition features new chapters emphasizing strategies used by female and underrepresented minority attendings to navigate gender- and race-based challenges, including methods for mitigating unconscious bias and positioning themselves as leaders. The authors also address the enhanced importance of communication in healthcare and the challenges inherent to the COVID-19 pandemic with authentic teaching examples for how best to teach and lead in times of crisis. Equally instructive and empathic, Teaching Inpatient Medicine, Second Edition is a treasury of actionable practices that will inspire and empower teachers and learners alike.